panorama image stitched with Panoweaver can be viewed in any panorama
viewer, such as PTViewer. PTViewer is used as the default panorama image
viewer in Panoweaver. The change the toolbar and loading page of the
viewer to your own style, please visit the help documentation
from Prof. Helmut Dersch.
mouse controls movement within a panorama image. You can control the speed,
direction, and magnification of the image. Also some shortcut keys can be
used to navigate a panorama image.
There are direction symbols in the toolbar, just click these symbols to move
the image. You can also press direction keys to move. Moreover, Drag your
mouse within the image to move the image is even more free, You can move
horizontally, vertically, diagonally and any direction. The faster you drag
your mouse, the faster the panorama image moves.
Zooming In
There is a magnifying symbol with the plus symbol in the toolbar; just click
this symbol to increase the magnification. You can also press "A”,"+" or "shift+mouse dragging” to zoom in.
Zooming Out
There is a magnifying symbol with the minus symbol in the toolbar; just click
this symbol to decrease the magnification. You can also press
"z","-" or "ctrl+mouse dragging" to zoom out.